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Monday, 5 December 2011
Serve association report: domestic children clothing market main stream independent brand
 In 2009, Chinese clothing association children's clothing professional committee report points out, the independent brand is the development and expansion of the children's clothing industry in recent years the development of window, independent children's clothing brand has dominated the mainstream LED Lamps of the domestic market.

Generally speaking, the independent children's clothing brand development to experience four stages: one is the low price into market stage; Two is to keep low price and to enhance the quality stage; Three is to form a characteristic stages; Four is to be influential brand stage. In our country's independent children's clothing brand in the development process of the first stage appear in 10 years ago, when the independent children's clothing brand quantity is not much, and concentrated in the big city; The second change is nearly five years, a group of success in wholesale market of children's clothing enterprise follow ChengRenZhuang experience, to join the chain brand development;NFL Jerseys The third phase in today, wholesale market are upgrading, brand marketing mature gradually, brand leading sales has formed the climate, but still did not appear in the industry leading brand; Children's clothing industry in our country is about to enter the fourth stage, will become a leading brand, the brand will occupy the market main share, have become bargaining power and influence of the children's clothing brand.
Relevant article:Clothing business

Posted by xiongwwee at 10:05 PM EST

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