New China net Washington gives or gets an electric shock(reporter, Wang Feng Sun Hao, ) the white house on April 9 spokesman card Ni say on the 9th, the American solider the amount of aircraft carriers in gulf region increment belongs to "routine transfer", is as irrelevant as Iran nuclear problem at present. discount sunglasses Ka Ni says that transfer an arrangement according to the troops, there are 1.5 sail mother's combatses in the region of the gulf at present.He says that the sail mother transfers to belong to normal military deployment, is a routine operation, mother from sail in gulf region's increasing is also a part of routine transfer at present. The news that provides according to American military authority, at present at 5 the fleet responsibilities have two sail mother's combatses inside the area, is to be located in "Abraham · Lincoln" number sail mother's combatses of the north of Arabian seas respectively, and visit the "business enterprise" sail mother's combatses of Yi in Gulf of Aden.Arabian sea the north doesn't belong to a gulf sunglasses The American solider central commander's headquarters says that"business enterprise" on April 3 arrive 5 fleet responsibility area, substitute to go to "Carl · text Sen" number sail mother's combatses that Bangladesh gulf carries out a task.These two combats"support the task request of fighting the area commanding officer, at the same time ensure 5 fleet responsibility areas of safety and stability".5 fleet responsibility the area include gulf, Red Sea, Arabian sea and east not- circumlittoral. Because Iran nuclear problem arouses of controversy, situation in the gulf region in the near future keep on strain.Lately an Iran nuclear problem the negotiation certainly hold in the Yi Si Tan cloth in Turkey city Er on the 14th of this month.see more:The beautiful employment data rather expects that U.S. dollar exchanges yen to fall to a month a low
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Posted by xiongwwee
at 9:28 PM EDT