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Monday, 14 May 2012
Is the 12th to wade Zhao prostitute's scandal the work stay a hotel to seek joys at Obama especially
 Win a new net to give or get an electric shock to report according to the 23th of 《newspaper in the star island 》 in the United States on April 24, the United States especially frequently personnel Zhao in bureau prostitute's scandal have intention to outside development, an among those especially the work Be suspected of violating the rules in the hotel that president Obama will soon stay.Upper House means that the sensitivity of its location makes people"perplex".  American Upper House country Anne committee chairman benefit Bo Man reveal, the Zhao prostitute accepts inquisitionally the 12th detective in the scandal, don't  be like a rest 11 especially work so live in the card of the card tower He Na compare hotel,Milwaukee Bucks Adjustable Hat but stay to be apart from when Obama arrives Hilton hotel that the future reunion stays, although the matter delivers Obama visit to still have the few weathers, because of sensitive in the location, make people pay attention to more.Benefit Bo Man said, the affair"more and more make people perplex".  In addition, benefit Bo Man responds to Republican party's appealing and requests Obama the government to extend the survey scope to the White House advance agent of arrangement president line in Columbia.Benefit Bo Man said having no evidence proof the White House to know this matter with the pedestrian member currently.But the White House advance agent knows the president's accurate movements, if anyone wants to assault American president and beat the idea of the White House advance agent also not is have no may.  Another senator section Lin Si means then that this time Zhao prostitute's scandal involves 11 especially work, and is hard to make people to believe that this are the individual affairs.Section Lin Si says that if just separately especially the work disobey Ji,Minnesota Timberwolves Snapback Hat can also say to is an accidental affairs, but involve a number this time numerous, and still have 2 especially frequently supervisor in the bureau be involved and cause suspicion this kind of affairs once took place, just don't be exposed.  Currently, especially frequently bureau totally 12 people draw in affairs, in the middle 5 people have already retired or resigned in advance, one person faces to dismiss face to face, in rest 6 people, 5 people have already been ordered a holiday and include to stay a hotel to disobey Ji at Obama among them of especially work, one person get a relief to seriously disobey a Ji suspect, but still may accept a discipline punishment.  The tower inside American defense secretary Pa means on the 23th that the Ministry of National Defense has already temporarily canceled the safe permission of 11 soldiers who draw in Zhao prostitute's scandal in Columbias.see more:IMF and a life time go a spring meeting Washington end China to declare to lead concern
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Posted by xiongwwee at 9:27 PM EDT

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