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Sunday, 13 May 2012
Iran "decoding" American the unmanned machine is queried the United States to call that it boasts so much
Islam the revolution armed escort aviation aerospace troops supervisor Amir · inside ·admire Ji firm the virtuous 22th say, Yi square the researcher have already"crack"ed United States unmanned driver airplane of information system with saving equipments, is creating its reproduction.This parlance is queried by the United States on that day.U.S. Congress Upper House national territory safety and business committee chairman Joe of government ·benefit Bo Man say, "usually air opinion" in Iran.  Iran says to"crack" Iran to declare in December, Montreal Expos Hatslast year, the armed forces shots down a "RQ-170" in the east type unmanned machine.The United States' some officials admit that this airplane was carrying out the secret task of central intelligence agency at that time.  Admire Ji firm virtuous emphasize, a network in Iran battle troops makes use of "operated it" of the way that unmanned machine world in interference the United States positions system and then makes the unmanned machine sink into in Iran.Iran expert is "crack"ing its data, has already got into an end stage.He says:"This unmanned machine almost has no part to conceal to us.We still acquired the data that it has already been deleted, there are many passwords and character list, we crack them." The unmanned machine"memory" admires Ji firm virtuous tell a national television station on the 22th, this unmanned machine is "stateowned property" in Iran, "so we can not open all technique details".But he mentioned that some square personnels who maintain to record with activity to prove Yi of this unmanned machine acquired the informations of unmanned machine.  He says that this unmanned machine accepts a technique maintenance in California, the United States on October 16, 2010, those early years November 18 axes in Afghanistan big admire province performance task;It axes in Afghanistan city big appear technique breakdown while admiring flight in the sky, Monster Energy Fitted Hatthe United States technical personnel had never completed to maintain;"Base" organizes person in front originally ·pull to ascend in 2011 at Pakistan inshore encounter the United States two weeks before shootï½̀deading, this unmanned machine once flies origin ·pull to ascend of residence sky.  Admire Ji firm virtuous say:"If the software and hard drive that didn't crack this airplane, we aren't likely to know these affair& hellips;…We shot down this unmanned machine but can't get a data, this is impossible." The United States calls that it brags American Upper House national territory safety and the government business committee a chairman benefit Bo Man is the first public response admire Ji firm virtuous U.S. officia of parlance.  He said while visiting television program on the 22th, there is"the history boasted, particularly be they are placed in defensive of time" in Iran, Iran is suffering the economic sanctions of the United States at present.see more:The Chinese student again and again has an accident an expert to call in the United States that giving up a wealth to protect a life is more important
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Posted by xiongwwee at 9:21 PM EDT

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