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Sunday, 6 May 2012
Beautiful court public one video frequency Pu one disable and sick youth once drive electric shock corporeal punishment
Report on April 12 according to 《everyday tele-communications report 》 in England, deluxe court in the United States rejected 1 item of previously to announce verdict, was been public by the video frequency of electric shock corporeal punishment at special school a disable and sick student and aroused huge controversy recently.According to report,new era snapback hats the case involves of disable and sick youth by the name of Anne is virtuous strong ·Michael test Lin Si(Andre McCollins), he was 18 years old, reigned to Ma Sa Zhu to fill cantonal Luo at that time Teng shell space judge education center(Judge Rotenberg Center) accepted a treatment.In the video frequency, Michael tests Lin Si's bedcover to with a downward exposure bind on the table and loudly appeals to the public "save me" and accepts totally 31 electric shocks in 7 hours, the empress is sent to a hospital.Is her mother to see him three days later, he has already expressed a symptom of nervous sex mental illness, being diagnosed by the doctor for the acute that is aroused by the electric shock should arouse reaction.Her mother hence the form tells a school and says that oneself doesn'snapback hatst know that the son is like this maltreated at school.  Report to call, the school once defended in law court and requested to forbid the video frequency in public this 2002.The school means that the electric shock that tests Lin Si to Michael is a kind of treatment method.The agency lawyer of the school said that the electric shock is a school to there is the difficult student's normal regulations therapy on the mental state, emotion.According to report, the litigation still continues currently. see more:Beautiful think tank and business group urge to as early as possible admit Chinese market economy position
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Posted by xiongwwee at 9:51 PM EDT

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