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Thursday, 26 April 2012
Japan draws up to lift the consumption tax solution public finance predicament an expert to call that the variable is still more big
Win the wide April 7 news in net Peking reports according to voice 《trade actual condition 》 of the economy, Japanese government intends to raise the tax rate of consumption tax, does this undertaking have the influence on Japanese economy?Does Japanese government raise the original intention of consumption tax and is what?Finance and economics expert, Li Ke, makes a reading to this.  Li Ke:  Wild farmland cabinet's putting forward to want very definitely is raising consumption tax for the coming 1-2 the middle of the year and raise to 8% in April, 2014, raise to 10% in October, 2015 and have already formed a consensus in the cabinet of not in power farmland,dc hats and prepare related project to hand in to the congress currently 5% consumption taxes.But this cabinet resolutions of pass not to mean that this policy finally can carry out, because Japanese government and people still have very great controversy and different opinion to the consumption tax problem currently, although wild farmland I also put forward and don't hesitate with the wager in political life and fight for being passed in the domestic the bill.But there are also a lot of dissimilarity voices in Democratic Party inner part currently, even some member of the cabinets put forward to resign in protest, some consociation party groupings governing together with him also has a lot of different opinions to this, conduct and actions colonize a party, also has very great objection voice to this, so the proposal finally can be passed, there is also very big variable.  Japanese the center and local government two the most long-term debt sum the surplus amount have already had 2 times that of GDP GDP, tallest in the flourishing nation.Because Japanese obligation mainly purchases square that day originally financing institution and citizen, the foreign country purchases specific weight very small, probably only 7% is or so, under this kind of condition, cheap oakley sunglassesshort-term medium possibility extremely minute of explosion obligation crisis.But if this kind of condition can not get a change and always keep unable to make ends meet status, may can not avoid in the explosion of crisis in future.  Under this big background, the wild farmland cabinet resolutions to put forward and pass to increase a consumption tax solution obligation problem very much, especially in the future used for increment revenue from tax income make up currently at retire to enjoy life a fund, social welfare fund of huge indentation.So this viewpoint many people means to agree with currently, but collects tax a proposal because of the issue of of political party finally can pass smoothly is very great problem.  Can say to is a solution just currently, but if project finally each party groupings in the future compromise, can finally attain to work out a large amount of obligation problem, solution social welfare funds indentation problem still has very big variable and indetermination.see more:The doctor calls that president in Malawi has already died of illness to take over shift duty a candidate to cause a guess
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Posted by xiongwwee at 9:46 PM EDT

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